Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Quick Share Swift Container ACL POC

I am too busy to update my blog for a long time. I feel guilty thus I think I should randomly update whatever I have. Today, I would like to quick share about how to setup Swift Account ACL ( Readonly ). 

Welcome to test it and share your thought to me :)

=== ReadOnly POC ===

The following table list different read ACLs combinations:
Table 1. ACL options that are available to manipulate object read ACLs

Read for all referrers.r:*
Read and list for all referrers and listing.r:*,.rlistings
Read and list for a user in a specific tenant<tenant_name|tenant_id>:<user_name|user_id>
Read and list for a user in every tenant*:<user_name|user_id>
Read and list for every user in a tenant<tenant_name|tenant_id>:<*>
Read and list for every user in every project<*>:<*>


***add container acl eg: Read ACL: .r:*,.rlistings***

$ swift post test --read-acl ".r:*,.rlistings" --os-auth-url --os-tenant-name test-test --os-username johnnywa --os-password test1234

*** show stat detial ***

us-test-2 [admin@admin] johnnywa@Test10-1-test-a-infra-001:~$ swift stat test -v --os-auth-url --os-tenant-name Test-test --os-username johnnywa --os-password Test1234
    Auth Token: 6a6c2e5d13314446b8aae214afc8d7a3
       Account: KEY_9524cecf3ae3446e85093b8c4e611222
     Container: test
       Objects: 2
         Bytes: 40
      Read ACL: .r:*,.rlistings
     Write ACL:
       Sync To:
      Sync Key:
 Accept-Ranges: bytes
X-Storage-Policy: Standard-Replica
    Connection: keep-alive
   X-Timestamp: 1469076950.95918
    X-Trans-Id: txdc3dfcda2dfe428cbef81-0057905aff
  Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8

*** create another user in another tenant ***

| 7795c234ed844eefaab164854435df35 |                     storage-test                    |   True  |
us-test-2 [admin@admin] johnnywa@Test10-1-test-a-infra-001:~$ keystone user-create --name=testreadonly --pass=test1234 --tenant-id 7795c234ed844eefaab164854435df35
| Property |              Value               |
|  email   |                                  |
| enabled  |               True               |
|    id    | f57c2aa15ad7472d85598c5d3397f346 |
|   name   |           testreadonly           |
| tenantId | 7795c234ed844eefaab164854435df35 |
| username |           testreadonly           |

*** try to show container stat - OK but didn't show ACL detail ***

us-test-2 [admin@admin] johnnywa@Test10-1-test-a-infra-001:~$ swift stat test -v --os-auth-url --os-tenant-name storage-test --os-username testreadonly --os-password test1234 --os-storage-url
    Auth Token: d013918299ed49ce9e9f0e3b0fda9bfd
       Account: KEY_9524cecf3ae3446e85093b8c4e611222
     Container: test
       Objects: 3
         Bytes: 45
      Read ACL:
     Write ACL:
       Sync To:
      Sync Key:
 Accept-Ranges: bytes
X-Storage-Policy: Standard-Replica
    Connection: keep-alive
   X-Timestamp: 1469076950.95918
    X-Trans-Id: txf4ac014f92fd4ba89e61d-0057905e82
  Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8

*** try to list (read) the container - OK ***

us-test-2 [admin@admin] johnnywa@Test10-1-test-a-infra-001:~$ swift list test --os-auth-url --os-tenant-name storage-test --os-username testreadonly --os-password test1234 --os-storage-url

*** quick generate a test file ***

us-test-2 [admin@admin] johnnywa@Test10-1-test-a-infra-001:~$ vi uploadreadonly.txt

*** try to upload (write) the container - Fail ***

us-test-2 [admin@admin] johnnywa@Test10-1-test-a-infra-001:~$ swift upload test uploadreadonly.txt --os-auth-url --os-tenant-name storage-test --os-username testreadonly --os-password test1234 --os-storage-url
Error trying to create container 'test'403 Forbidden: <html><h1>Forbidden</h1><p>Access was denied to this resourc
Object PUT failed: 403 Forbidden  [first 60 chars of response] <html><h1>Forbidden</h1><p>Access was denied to this resourc

+++ double check w/ Same Tenant but diff user +++

*** same tenant but different user is OK for read/write , stat show detail Read ACL ***

us-test-2 [admin@admin] johnnywa@Test10-1-test-a-infra-001:~$ swift stat test -v --os-auth-url --os-tenant-name Test-test --os-username test --os-password test1234
    Auth Token: 3a5abafedbe0445c9204e593c6a35663
       Account: KEY_9524cecf3ae3446e85093b8c4e611222
     Container: test
       Objects: 2
         Bytes: 40
      Read ACL: .r:*,.rlistings
     Write ACL:
       Sync To:
      Sync Key:
 Accept-Ranges: bytes
X-Storage-Policy: Standard-Replica
    Connection: keep-alive
   X-Timestamp: 1469076950.95918
    X-Trans-Id: txfb4087445195416aaf73b-0057905c30
  Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8

*** list object in container - OK ***

us-test-2 [admin@admin] johnnywa@Test10-1-test-a-infra-001:~$ swift list test --os-auth-url --os-tenant-name Test-test --os-username test --os-password test1234 --os-storage-url

*** download object in container - OK ***

us-test-2 [admin@admin] johnnywa@Test10-1-test-a-infra-001:~$ swift download test --os-auth-url --os-tenant-name Test-test --os-username test --os-password test1234 --os-storage-url
download.txt [auth 0.117s, headers 0.248s, total 0.248s, 0.000 MB/s]
test.txt [auth 0.118s, headers 0.294s, total 0.294s, 0.000 MB/s]

*** upload ( write ) test file - OK ***

us-test-2 [admin@admin] johnnywa@Test10-1-test-a-infra-001:~$ swift upload test uploadreadonly.txt --os-auth-url --os-tenant-name Test-test --os-username test --os-password test1234 --os-storage-url

*** list object in container to double check - OK ***

us-test-2 [admin@admin] johnnywa@Test10-1-test-a-infra-001:~$ swift list test --lh --os-auth-url --os-tenant-name Test-test --os-username test --os-password test1234 --os-storage-url
  12 2016-07-21 04:57:09 download.txt
  28 2016-07-21 05:10:03 test.txt
   5 2016-07-21 05:27:52 uploadreadonly.txt

=== Write Only POC ===

( I couldn't use swift post --wirte-acl, I have to use curl )

*** setup write acl ***

$ curl -i -X 
PUT -H "Content-Length: 0" -H "X-Auth-Token:9e4330ce609d4b46b4b6cd12b636201c" 
-H "X-Container-Write: storage-test:testreadonly" -H "X-Container-Read: "
HTTP/1.1 202 Accepted
Content-Length: 76
Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8
X-Trans-Id: txc8db5faa9aec42328d5fc-0057907095
Date: Thu, 21 Jul 2016 06:49:57 GMT
<html><h1>Accepted</h1><p>The request is accepted

*** double check setting ***

$ swift stat test -v --os-auth-url 
--os-tenant-name CIS-Infra --os-username johnnywa --os-password Chianing1234
    Auth Token: b5509afe98d449b2b991b259c9a9a978
       Account: KEY_9524cecf3ae3446e85093b8c4e611222
     Container: test
       Objects: 3
         Bytes: 45
      Read ACL: .r:*,.rlistings
     Write ACL: storage-test:testreadonly
       Sync To:
      Sync Key:
 Accept-Ranges: bytes
X-Storage-Policy: Standard-Replica
    Connection: keep-alive
   X-Timestamp: 1469076950.95918
    X-Trans-Id: txfe46f8d5ff7542478564e-005790743a
  Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8

*** get token from another tenant/user ***

$ swift stat -v --os-auth-url 
--os-tenant-name storage-test --os-username testreadonly --os-password test1234
    Auth Token: cac25822af2a4617acf6cb6a9097b434
       Account: KEY_7795c234ed844eefaab164854435df35
    Containers: 0
       Objects: 0
         Bytes: 0
  Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
    Connection: keep-alive
   X-Timestamp: 1469084387.34702
    X-Trans-Id: txe93586f604fd411d86b69-00579072e3
X-Put-Timestamp: 1469084387.34702

*** upload ( write ) from storage-test tenant and user testreadonly ***

$ curl -i 
-X PUT -H "X-Auth-Token: cac25822af2a4617acf6cb6a9097b434" --upload-file uploadwriteonly.txt
HTTP/1.1 100 Continue
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Last-Modified: Thu, 21 Jul 2016 07:01:28 GMT
Content-Length: 0
Etag: d8e8fca2dc0f896fd7cb4cb0031ba249
Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8
X-Trans-Id: txf58b47458fc1428ca129b-0057907347
Date: Thu, 21 Jul 2016 07:01:27 GMT

*** double check upload is ok or not ***

$ swift list test --lh --os-auth-url --os-tenant-name CIS-Infra 
--os-username johnnywa --os-password Chianing1234
  12 2016-07-21 04:57:09 download.txt
  28 2016-07-21 05:10:03 test.txt
   5 2016-07-21 05:27:52 uploadreadonly.txt
   5 2016-07-21 07:01:27 uploadwriteonly.txt

*** right now # of object is 4 ***

$ swift stat test -v --os-auth-url 
--os-tenant-name CIS-Infra --os-username johnnywa --os-password Chianing1234
    Auth Token: b182d52f800340daa50e0f9b3f011306
       Account: KEY_9524cecf3ae3446e85093b8c4e611222
     Container: test
       Objects: 4
         Bytes: 50
      Read ACL: .r:*,.rlistings
     Write ACL: storage-test:testreadonly
       Sync To:
      Sync Key:
 Accept-Ranges: bytes
X-Storage-Policy: Standard-Replica
    Connection: keep-alive
   X-Timestamp: 1469076950.95918
    X-Trans-Id: tx6d6d1a1230cd4b8cbbb05-005790749e
  Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8