Thursday, December 8, 2016

Kubernete/Docker Orchestration for Video Processing Automation on Object Storage Swift

This is the video demo about how to leverage VirtualBox VM with Kubernete/Docker Cluster as computing resource to process videos parallel ( basically ffmpeg ). The video repository are all in Object Storage Swift. 

This is another demo to use GKE as Computing resource, the demo scenario are all the same but just show you how it is easy to leverage GKE and how it is easy to align your on-prem Object Storage.

This is another demo to use GKE as computing resource, the demo scenario are pretty much the same but it leverages Swift Object Notifier ( Swift Clawer ( for mySQL DB ) ) as a trigger for Kubernetes Jobs ( Pod )

This demo has similar scenario but leverage private docker hub and dynamic create GKE cluster and destroy whenever the kubernetes jobs done.